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Sofia University is a private non-profit institution located in the heart of the Silicon Valley, California. Established in 1975, the university provides education in transpersonal psychology and related fields. Sofia University was previously known as the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (ITP) before rebranding in 2012. The university prioritizes personal growth, transformation, and service while providing relevant and impactful education.

The Programs Offered

Sofia University offers several programs in transpersonal psychology, including a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology, Doctor of Philosophy in Transpersonal Psychology, and a Certificate in Applied Transpersonal Psychology. The programs have a unique approach and prioritize personal growth and transformation to help students learn how to apply these practices in their work environments.

Faculty and Staff

Sofia University has a diverse faculty and staff that comprises experienced educators and professionals specializing in transpersonal psychology. The professors are highly skilled, knowledgeable and have a deep understanding of the subject matter. They help the students to develop critical thinking, analytical skills and engaged learning practices. The faculty place a high emphasis on mentoring students and helping them explore different perspectives while ensuring they receive a well-rounded education.

Community and Culture

Sofia University values the community and culture that it has built over the years. The university has a welcoming and inclusive learning environment where students are encouraged to explore and express themselves freely. There are several student organizations and clubs that students can join to enhance their academic and social experiences. The university is also known for hosting various events, including workshops, meditation sessions, and seminars, that help in personal growth and transformation.


Sofia University is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). The accreditation ensures that the university meets the rigorous criteria and standards set by the accrediting agencies for quality education in transpersonal psychology.

Career Development

Sofia University offers exceptional career development services for its students. The university's Career and Alumni Services Department provides career counseling, job search support, and networking opportunities. The department works closely with employers and alumni to create job opportunities that align with the university's values of personal growth, transformation, and service.


In conclusion, Sofia University provides a unique platform that emphasizes personal growth, transformation, and service while providing quality education in transpersonal psychology. The university's educational programs, faculty and staff, community and culture, accreditation, and career development services make it one of the best institutions for students seeking to embark on a journey of personal growth and transformation in the field of psychology.



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校园地址: 北京市海淀区颐和园路1号

联系方式: 13910736323(同微信) /010-62750882


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